Why IDrive® e2 is better IDrive® e2 Wasabi
Yearly storage plans Pay annually Starting at $49.50/year
$24.75 First year, 1 TB

Reserve Capacity Storage plans for 1, 3, and
5 years. Minimum storage 25 TB
Fixed term plans
Monthly storage pricing $5/TB/Month
(Try with 10 GB Free)
Free egress right
Monthly egress less than or equal to 3X your active storage volume is free
Only 1x storage egress is free
Free data deletions right
No charges for data deletion
Charges applicable when data is deleted before the minimum data retention period
Performance right
Faster than Wasabi
Slower than IDrive e2
Multiple regions right
8 regions across the US
Only 3 regions across the US
No lock-in strategy right
Minimum data retention is not applicable
Minimum data retention period applicable from 29 to 89 days
No minimum capacity charge per object right
Minimum capacity charge per object is not applicable
Objects lesser than 4 KB in size are charged for 4 KB storage
Unlimited access keys right
*Create up to 250 access keys in one region
Up to 2 access keys allowed

*Note: Contact support to add more than 250 access keys in a region.

Save more with annual plans

Starting at $49.50/year $24.75 First year, 1 TB

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