IDrive Express for Linux

Data Backup

Data Backup

Use IDrive Express for Linux to speed up bulk data transfer from your Linux machines to the cloud account. Transfer your data to the temporary storage device shipped to you by IDrive and send it back to us. We will upload it to your cloud account. Data is secure on transfer and storage with AES 256-bit encryption and optional private key.

To perform an immediate local backup of your files and folders,

  1. Connect the storage device shipped by IDrive to your Linux machine.
    Note: Make sure that the connected storage device is properly mounted on the Linux machine.
  2. Run the command mentioned below and follow the instructions:
    ./idrive --local-backup

When you run local backup command, it will load all the detected mount points. To backup to the storage device shipped to you by IDrive, you must select the mount point that belongs to storage device. In case the mount point for storage device is not detected by this operation then you can input 'q' and enter the mount point manually.

This operation will validate the mount point and after validation the local backup will start.

Note: Selected backup location will be the location where user will find their data in the IDrive account, after data is made available to user's account.

You can view the graphical progress bar for your data getting backed up. If you want to view the detailed progress bar press '+' and to collapse press '-'. You can pause your backup by pressing 'p' and 'r' to resume the backup.

Linux Screenshot

Once the local backup completes, you can view the summary of operation on-screen and for more details you can view the complete log of operation using ./idrive --logs. You must eject the device from your Linux machine and ship it back to us once data transfer is completed.
