2018 News Releases / Coverage

2018 News Releases / Coverage

2018 News Releases / Coverage

  • Business.com
  • September 6, 2018
    Best Remote PC Access Software

    RemotePC by IDrive is an easy-to-use solution that offers a long list of features and security protocols to keep your remote interactions efficient and safe.

  • Business.com
  • June 12, 2018
    Best Cloud Storage and Online Backup Services

    IDrive's versatile and easy-to-use platform is packed with features and different ways to back up, store and recover your company's data, which is why we named it our best pick for small businesses.

  • Toms Guide
  • MAY 15, 2018
    tom's guide
    IDrive is best for anyone who has multiple machines to back up

    IDrive Personal has virtually every "nice to have" feature that is on our list, save for unlimited storage, making it an easy recommendation for anyone who can stay within the reasonably priced 2TB storage tier. IDrive Personal backs up phones, offers a syncing option, has unlimited versioning and lets you quickly "seed" your account by sending in a hard drive with your data.
