IDrive® BMR
Backup the entire hard drive including the operating system and application configuration to the IDrive BMR device by installing the backup agent.
Backup hard drive to BMR device by installing agent software
Create up to four virtual instances of your backed-up machines on the device and maintain high availability in case of a disaster.
Create up to 4 VMs of backed up machines on the BMR device
Cloud manage
Manage the IDrive BMR devices from anywhere, without needing to be on the same network as the devices.
Manage the BMR devices remotely, from any external network.
Cloud replication
Transfer data stored on the IDrive BMR device to your cloud account via cloud replication.
Transfer data stored on IDrive BMR device to your cloud account
IDrive® BMR device interface
Monitor backup status and other activities via the IDrive BMR device interface.
Monitor backup status and view log reports via the console
Restore entire data using a pre-configured boot CD or USB drive or restore individual files as required.
Restore entire data with a pre-configured boot CD or USB drive
IDrive® BMR Express
Transfer bulk data from your IDrive BMR device to the cloud using cloud seeding via IDrive BMR Express.
Transfer bulk data from your IDrive BMR device to the cloud
Access local resources via cloud virtual instance
Self-host an OpenVPN Access Server within your network and connect to the cloud virtual instance.
Transfer bulk data from your IDrive BMR device to the cloud
Securely backup your virtual machines running on ESXi hosts and vCenter servers through full image backups or incremental backups.
Securely backup virtual machines running on ESXi Hosts and vCenter servers
Easily restore all of your backed-up virtual machines as required in a few simple steps with IDrive BMR VMware restore.
Restore your backed up virtual machines in a few simple steps
Cloud replication
Transfer backed-up data of your VMware servers on the IDrive BMR device to IDrive cloud via cloud replication.
VMware Cloud backup
IDrive BMR network shares
Host NAS and iSCSI shares on the IDrive BMR device and secure the data via local snapshots.
Create and host NAS and iSCSI shares within the BMR storage
IDrive BMR network share restore
Restore data from an IDrive BMR network share, either from a NAS or an iSCSI share, in a few easy steps.
Restore NAS and iSCSI shares in a few easy steps
IDrive® BMR Cube
Disaster recovery in minutes. Best defense against ransomware; recover the entire system or virtualize it instantly.
BMR Cube - Disaster recovery in minutes.