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To backup your MS Exchange Server,
On selecting Online Backup, the data will be stored on the IDrive cloud whereas on selecting Local Backup or IDrive Express™ Backup the data will be stored in the local drive.
If you connect to an Exchange Server Cluster, a list of all databases that are available in your Exchange Cluster appears.
(a) Ensure that the selected temporary folder on the local computer has sufficient free hard drive space to hold your on-premise MS Exchange server backup files. You cannot select a remote location as a temporary location for the backup.
(b) Once the local backup is initiated, '.ServerBackup' folder is auto created.
On successful backup of the MS Exchange Server databases to your IDrive account, the files are stored in a folder called 'IDriveExchBackupset'. It is not advisable to update or delete files manually as it may interrupt the MS Exchange Server restore operation. Also, avoid using the 'IDriveExchBackupset' as a destination folder for any other backup/ restore operation.